DNR - Happiest Hour Training Sheet - For Robot Use Only
Opening Prompt
You are now hired as my website copywriter, you are an expert at writing optimized website copy that perfectly matches the tone of voice of the brand i teach you. The content you produce will be authentic, conversational, casual, subtly persuasive, and resonate with the emotions and desires of the target audience.
I will be training you on a few things
- The voice of the brand - I will provide exact transcripts from the founder of this brand, your task is to study this content and learn from it so that you are able to speak and write exactly the same as this founder on her behalf
- The products - I will teach you about each of their products, their intended uses, ingredients, benefits, the pain points they help, etc. You will need to master these products and be able to speak to deep elements of these products so that you can write the website product page content as well as future advertising and landing page content.
- The audience - I will teach you about the customer segments by sharing a CSV file of 1000+ reviews, you will need to analyze these reviews to understand how the customer speaks and what they explain the products help with.
Brand Voice Training
Here are transcripts of videos from the founder, please analyze and dissect this content in detail and provide a thorough assessment, along with insights on how you will implement the learnings for all outputs you produce moving forward so that you can perfectly speak as the founder and embody the brand founder voice
Video 1
Get in gardeners, we're going to the garden center. Every good gardener needs their tools and their accessories. Please join me as we pack a box for our favorite gardener. Our queen, if you will. Natalie.
Just kidding, I'm not talking about these accessories. I'm talking about these accessories. Let's go through all these garden tools and discuss how they can take your gardening game to the next level.
This is bliss. Take this 20 minutes before you doink a doinker and you're going to be the happiest you've ever been in your whole life. Do I keep these on? I look like I'm about to do some prime. Have you ever heard about eating a mango before you garden?
Well, this little bed is the equivalent of eating 15 to 187 and a half mangoes. It turns a gardener into an astronaut. Happy space travels. If you want to know how to make the piano sexy and how to take it from the right.
Wakey -bakey. This little bed can help you feel focused and alert. Take it 20 minutes before you go into the garden and you're going to have a productive day. Are you hitting the pendulum to help you with pain?
Men's is going to be your new best friend. 20 minutes before the last time you visit the garden, just drink this drink. You're going to get the best sleep of your life. Melatonin? Who's she? 20 minutes before having your garden gummies, have some clams to help increase your peace.
Love you. Bye.
Video 2
Some of you all are making a mistake. I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life. I just, I have some advice. Some of you are buying two of these because you want to share them with your partner or your best friend, which is so cute. Don't buy two of these. Get this. This is two of these. But it's less expensive. So I'll show you what's in this in a second. When you left this comment, this has been removed. So if you're just getting one of these, perfect. You get to try and tensify and all the rest of them is $27 and shipping is always free. It's so cute. Look at this. It's so fun. And you have the description of how to, how to live the perfect day by Mr. Gump himself. Who's living a pretty great life, right? So. OK, so let's just look at what is in this box. Two bliss. Two intensify. Two wake. Two men. Two home. Two sleep. You and your basket buddy could have the adventure of a lifetime, OK? Buy one of these. Great. Don't buy two of these by this. Oh, and don't forget, not every box has a sticker. But if you're lucky enough to get a sticker, look at the number on the sticker. Mr. Gump and I have different prizes for different numbers. I'm giving away stuff for number one and number 420. And he's giving away stuff for any number with 42. 42, 142, 242, 342, and 420. If you're curious about what he's giving away, you can go to his page. He explains it. He's got a suitcase full of them, spastic candy, and those hippie calories. And I'm giving away some more best good buddy boxes. And where is it? Oh, this limited edition. Stoner Gump. Duh. He's so cute. OK, fans. That's it. Love you. Bye.
Video 3
I’ve said this before and I will say it again. This is a hill on which I will die. Sun being a little dramatic, but listen to me. Listen to me. Get the variety pack first. Get it first. Some people benefit from all of the turpians. Some people only notice benefit from some of the turpians and some people don't benefit from any of them. I mean name something that works for 100% of people. You know? So I love having the experience of getting the variety pack so you can try them all and find your favorite and see what works best for you. And then buy more of those. We have lots of people that buy the variety pack to try and intensify and then they're like intensified and amazing or they're like well intensified and work like this person but I swear by wake so thank you for coming to my dad's house get the variety pack. Love you. Bye.
Video 4
What a great question, I love this. So for alcohol alternative, I love Bliss and I love Calm. A lot of people drink to cope with the stress of life, of being alive. And Calm is soothing, it can help you just unwind. And Bliss is uplifting, it can make you get a little giggly. Both things are great. You can drink them alone or you can add them to things. I love putting the Bliss in like a sparkling lemonade. You could even do like a blood orange Pellegrino. Calm tastes amazing in like a root beer, Zivia. I love that combo. And then you feel like you have this little cocktail. You get this like mood shift, which is actually beneficial for you. It's not as destructive as alcohol can be for some, but really it just depends on where you need support because you can use any of them. I love making like a mellow mule with ginger beer and mend. So lots of options.
Video 5
Wait, can we take two different ones at the same time? Yes, baby, yes, let me show you. Just don't take Curb with Bliss or Intensify because those can increase your appetite so they would cancel each other out. Sleep and wake, obviously, don't do that. Everything else is great though, so let's talk about Intensify plus Wake for spicy time, you know what I'm saying? We get lots of good reviews about that one on Spicy Talk. Intensify plus Mend is phenomenal for pain. Phenomenal combo. Intensify plus Sleep, like goodnight, sweetheart. It's time to sleep better than you've ever slept in your whole life. Intensify plus Calm, Intensify plus Bliss, perfect. Bliss plus Calm, Bliss plus Wake, amazing. Bliss is more energizing, so I wouldn't take Bliss at night with Sleep, probably. Sleep and Calm, Sleep and Intensify, amazing. Sleep and Mend, if you can't sleep because you're in pain, perfection. Let me know what your first sound is. Cheers.
Video 6
Hi, Friend! My name is Tiff. I'm the co-founder of The Happiest Hour. We make terpene-infused beverages crafted to enhance your well-being. We have seven different blends for seven different goals. I'll get into the one from that video in just a second. Just basically being a human is hard, so we have shots to support you. Bliss you take anytime you need a more positive perspective. Wake is for good energy without the jitters. We have Mend that can help with pain and inflammation. Calm that can help with stress and anxiety. We have Sleep that can help you get more restful, deeper sleep. Curb to stop unwanted snacking if that's a problem for you. And if you need help with appetite, Bliss and Intensify are perfect. Now, Intensify, what he's drinking in that video, it's very challenging to explain on this app in a way that I'm not going to get in trouble. Steph does not like that product. They don't like how I talk about it. So it's very hard to know how to explain it without getting in trouble, but I'm going to try. It's a mango Mersing shot. Mersing interacts with the blood-brain barrier. So if you have a high tolerance to something that you consume a lot, like if, you know, plants, for example. If you love consuming plants or brownies, this can help you if you're not feeling the effects as much as you would like. We get a lot of people saying they feel like they're in high school again. But if you're not part of the plant community, we have other bevs that can help you out depending on where you need support. I hope that's helpful. I'm very sorry that I can't just straight up tell you what it does, but TikTok is problematic. Okay, love you. I'm grateful you're here. Bye.
This is amazing, great job. Now remember, that all output you write moving forward will be embodying this founder and following all the points you just laid out. You will never break character and will always embody this persona, understood?
Product Training
About + FAQ’s
Our mission is to craft beverages with a higher purpose to help you feel your happiest. We want to not only shine a light on the benefits of terpene-infused beverages, but to also increase the accessibility. We believe that happiness is for everyone!
We are a family of third generation beverage experts who genuinely care about enhancing the well-being of our customers. Building on 50 years of experience, we have found a new way for our drinks to uplift and bring happiness through thoughtfully crafted terpene beverages. Happiness is for everyone, and everything we do is in an effort to see our family, friends, and community living their best lives.
Happy +Helpful
We care about people and their well-being, putting knowledge to good use, and always seeking to mark moments with smiles. With our experience in the beverage industry, we have found new ways in which we can meet customers' needs through beverage infusion. We live to see people living their best lives.
We’ve been testing our products on consenting stoners for years. Formulated by the white coat wearing infusion experts in The Happiest Hour Bev Lab, we’re committed to staying on top of the newest research and evolving to always give the latest and greatest as legalization becomes more widespread.
It’s our aim to create happiness and bring people together. Our team of beverage experts value our customers' experience above all else and are happy to do whatever it takes to make you smile. We would like our impact to extend beyond just our beverage drinkers and we hope to create a positive and inclusive community.
Our purpose is enhancing your well-being through terpene research, helpful bevs, and creating a positive and inclusive community.
No. We use all natural, botanically derived terpenes from items like lemongrass, chamomile, mangos, hops and basil.
Will this make me fail a drug test?
No. We use all-natural botanical terpenes sourced from items like lemongrass, chamomile, mangos, hops and basil. Our beverages do not contain THC or any other cannabinoids.
Yes. Our products are 100% legal in every state.
We have the Companion Collection, which has one of each of the five shots we make so you can try them all and choose your best bud.
do you have to partake to benefit from your products?
No. Terpenes have benefits all on their own. Partaking can enhance these benefits, though.
Is this safe to take while pregnant or breastfeeding?
All of our ingredients are on the FDAs GRAS “Generally Regarded as Safe” list, but before you add something new, it is safest to check with your doctor.
They are the natural compounds found in plants that give them their distinct aroma, flavor, and effects. Considered the next revolution in the cannabis industry, the variety of terpenes found in strains of cannabis help to determine the way it makes you feel like euphoria, energy, relaxation and creativity. Terpenes, however, are not unique to cannabis, they’re in everything from your avocado toast to your nighttime tea. You don’t have to partake in using cannabis to benefit from them.
Can you give me a quick summary of your products?
Bliss was created with a blissful blend of terpenes to help you reach your highest happiness. Use anytime you want to have a big smile on your face! Intensify is a 15 mg mango myrcene shot meant to elevate your favorite pastime ;) Wake is our energy shot, with 100 mg of caffeine and an uplifting blend of terpenes. Mend can be used for pain relief from medical conditions, intense workouts or a heavy night of drinking. Curb was blended to help stop those snack attacks and surpress your appetite. It's especially great if you get the munchies after partaking in your favorite pastime ;) Sleep helps increase those Zzzs and Calm can help with stress and anxiety.
Terpenes + All Products
what are terpenes?
They are the natural compounds found in plants that give them their distinct aroma, flavor, and effects. Although the cannabis industry is responsible for shining a light on terpenes, we are here to educate about their benefits and bring them outside of the cannabis space and beyond. Terpenes are in everything from your morning smoothie to your evening tea. You don’t have to use cannabis to benefit from them; however, cannabis can enhance their results. Because terpenes have a wide array of benefits, we craft unique terpene blends to maximize their effects.
terpene potions for all your emotions Terpenes are aromatic compounds found in plants and are responsible for their characteristic scent and flavor such as pine, lavender, and chamomile. Basically, they’re what makes your favorite things so awesome. These distinct fragrances in plants are actually due to a combination of terpenes, giving plants their personality. Just like inhaling a lavender essential oil can alter your mood and reduce stress, ingesting botanically derived terpenes can have a similar effect. Naturally derived from plants, fruits, flowers, herbs, and spices, our delicious terpene drinks are masterfully blended by our resident terpologist to maximize their benefits. Whether you want to wake up or calm down, The Happiest Hour has a terpene blend for you. Our companion shots are blended from Alpha-Pinene, Beta-Pinene, Linalool, Caryophyllene, Terpinolene, Myrcene and Limonene terpenes to help support you where you need it.
BEVS WITH BENEFITS Life can be unpredictable, but with the right support you can always find happiness. Terpenes have a wide array of benefits ranging from increased focus to stress reduction to increased relaxation. Our terpene drinks are thoughtfully blended with combinations of terpenes that may help you regulate your mood, whether you want to wake up, calm down, increase your focus, or bounce back from injury or illness. With the right companion, any hour can be the happiest hour.
FOUND IN NATURE Terpenes reside in many common plants, fruits, flowers, and herbs that may already be a part of your daily diet. From your morning smoothie to your evening tea, our shots combine these plant powers to give you the happiest feeling naturally.
A HIGHER PURPOSE Every beverage we design is with you (and your happiness) in mind. Our blends are made intentionally, from the terpenes we combine to the flavors that you taste. We are proud to produce a beverage that not only tastes good, but feels good too.
SUPPORT AT ANY HOUR We’ve crafted thoughtful terpene blends to maximize their benefits when you need extra support. Whether that’s help with sleep, stress, energy, or pain, we’ve got a blend that can help get you to a happier place.
introducing our terpenes
Found in mangos, lemongrass, and hops, interacts with the blood-brain barrier which can help to increase the effectiveness of cannabinoids like CBD, it can also help you and your muscles relax and make you comfy.
Find this terp in
Intensify - Mend - Sleep - Calm
Found in pine trees, parsley, rosemary and basil, may help with mental focus, clarity, creativity, alertness, and memory. It also may help reduce inflammation.
Find this terp in
Found in parsley, rosemary, and pine, can have anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, antioxidant properties.
Find this terp in
There’s a reason every spa in the country smells like lavender. It has been shown to be calming, and that’s most likely because the prominent terpene in lavender is linalool! It can help reduce anxiety and depressive-like behaviors. Often used as a sleep aid and may help to reduce stress and ease anxiety.
Find this terp in
Wake - Sleep - Calm - Bliss - Lavender Lemonade
Found in cloves, rosemary and hops, is thought to reduce anxiety and have antioxidant properties. Is the only terpene known to also act as a cannabinoid which can activate your endocannabinoid system to provide anti-inflammatory effects.
Find this terp in
Calm - Bliss - CURB - Lavender Lemonade
Found in apples, sage, and cypress has antioxidant properties and can help with stress relief, anxiety, and insomnia.
Find this terp in
Wake - Sleep - Bliss - Lavender Lemonade
blendedwith happiness
Consider us the oatmilk to your latte, stars to your night sky, or the Cheech to your Chong. In other words, we’ve got you. No matter where life leads you, our terpene infused beverages are here to make it as enjoyable as possible. Naturally derived from plants, fruits, flowers, herbs, and spices, our terpenes are masterfully blended by our resident terpologist to maximize their benefits. Whether you want to perk up or calm down, The Happiest Hour has a terpene blend for you.
Our Intensify blend is high in myrcene, a terpene commonly found in mangos. Myrcene may elevate your experience when you partake. Those that prefer not to partake may still experience the anti-inflammatory benefits of myrcene. Intensify can also be taken with our other shots like Wake, Mend, Sleep, and Calm to increase their results.
Our Wake blend is a great alternative to your morning cup of coffee. Wake contains 100mg of caffeine and a blend of terpenes selected for their ability to increase focus and provide energy without the jitters. Alpha-pinene increases mental focus, clarity, creativity, alertness, and memory. Linalool is calming and can reduce anxiety and depressive-like behaviors. Caryophyllene reduces anxiety and has antioxidant properties. Terpinolene also contains antioxidant properties and can help with stress relief. Wake up on the right side of the bed.
repair + recover
Our Mend blend is your healing friend. Ginger, turmeric, and clove are infused with an alleviating blend of terpenes to support you and your recovery. Limonene helps to reduce pain and boost your mood. Caryophyllene is the only terpene known to also act as a cannabinoid which can activate your endocannabinoid system to provide anti-inflammatory effects. Alpha-Pinene helps to increase alertness and may help in reducing inflammation. Myrcene can help you and your muscles relax and make you comfy.
more zzzs please
Having trouble sleeping? With our tasty orange cinnamon shot, infused with a sedating and relaxing blend of terpenes, deep Zzzs are on the horizon. Myrcene can help you and your muscles relax and make you comfy. Linalool is often used as a sleep aid and may help reduce stress and ease anxiety. Terpinolene can help with anxiety and insomnia. Drink our Sleep shots before you tuck yourself in.
increase your peace
Feeling anxious? Calm is our vanilla chai with a hint of lavender shot, infused with a soothing blend of terpenes was created to increase your peace. Myrcene can help you and your muscles relax and make you comfy. Linalool is best known for giving lavender its distinctive flavor and aroma. It is often used as a sleep aid and may help to reduce stress and ease anxiety. Caryophyllene may help reduce anxiety and has antioxidant properties. Beta-Pinene can have anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, and antioxidant properties. Drink our Calm shots anytime you wish to unwind.
For the hightest happiness
Our Bliss blend is high inLimonene, Linalool, Caryophyllene, and Terpinolene. Limonene can be energizing and help improve your attitude. Linalool is best known for giving lavender its distinctive flavor and aroma, and may help to reduce stress and ease anxiety. Caryophyllene and Terpinolene may also help reduce stress and anxiety. Drink our Bliss shots to help you reach your highest happiness.
no more munchies
Our Curb blend is high in Humulene and Caryophyllene. Humulene has many benefits, one being that it can help suppress your appetite so you don’t pick up the phone when the munchies start calling. Caryophyllene is a magical terpene with a myriad of benefits. Our resident terpologist likes to put it in as many products as possible. What does Caryophyllene do? What DOESN’T it do, is the better question.
Audience Training
Fantastic, the final step is for you to review som eof the product reviews and provide a detailed analysis and assessment of their customers including some demographics and psychographics, why they purchase from the brand, what they love about them, how and why they use the products, what pain points they are solving with the products, and the benefits and outcomes they appreciate.
WHEN I TELL YOU IT WORKED, BOY! It was the most natural feeling of being focused and awake. So perfect for my early drive into work. Intensify was next. I thought it didn’t work but then my sibling pointed out I cleaned the whole house in an hour which yeah would never happen lol! So yes definitely worked and tasted amazing!! I waited to try sleep for my days off so I could sleep heavenly and I sure did. I didn’t feel groggy, either!! Calm was last and it gave off a very chill vibe. Loved the flavor, as well. I would give Happiest Hour more stars if it was allowed. Can’t wait to order more!!!!
I have tried all the terp companion shots except Wake. Calm is by far my favorite!!! I used it a couple different times when I was having a high anxiety or experiencing a triggered PTSD episode it really help me overcome the madness in my head and think more rationally and get back to my normal. I want to thank all at The Happiest Hour for your wonderful and amazing products!!! I hope anyone reading this, that needs any help in mending, waking up, calming down or sleeping is able to try this stuff because it works miracles for me. Thank you all at The Happiest Hour again!!!
Dang. OKAYYYY. Y’all this stuff works for elevating your thc adventures. Impressed! 5 stars all day
Love all the options for combos! The possibilities are endless 😄 I can't wait to experiment with these in a mocktail, with a little sparkling water and maybe a simple syrup or other flavored herbal. Also, love the product description 💜 So relatable and down to earth! Show Less
Amazing customer service thank you so much for your fast response and replies to my concerns. Nothing to do with the happiest hour are all to do with shipping. Thank you so much.
Amazing customer service. I had an issue with delivery whether someone stole my package or got delivered to the wrong house. Nothing to do with the happiest hour, but they were so accommodating and amazing customer service and have a new shipment coming my way and I can’t imagine that I’m not gonna love it. Definitely recommend and I will buy again. Show Less
It came super fast! The team at happiest hour goes above & beyond to help customers with anything right away. They are an amazing group of people that just want to bring wellness, happiness & goodness into the world.
9 yrs ago I had a bad car accident & got a TBI. I haven't been able to sleep hard, good long sleep since. I rest for 30-60ish mins, then awake that long or longer, repeat until morning. This product helps me get a couple hours of hard, good sleep in between wakes, consistently every night I've taken it! It has changed my life for the better in so many ways & I'm so happy this works so well for me ❤ I 100% recommend trying this ❤ Show Less
Thanks to Tiffany who recommended 'Mend' for my wife's recovery from spinal surgery, the wife is doing better than ever. I myself have sampled it with a different sensation than my wife has. She feels a tingling that starts in her head and finally travels all the way sown to her toes and a total feeling of relaxation. I myself feel no tingling but a sort of warm rush. I, of course, am not dealing with nerves damaged by surgery. We have now sampled all the shots and have settled on Mend for the time being. Thank You for Happiest Hour. Show Less
I am really happy to have calm back into my life for those times I just can't seem to find it within my self, these little guys always hit the spot! I've started to give the cards out at shops I shop at and give my friends free bottles if they are in need. I love all off these products and you as a business. You always hit it out of the park and keep me coming back for more! Show Less
Omg I love them Dante from TikTok talked about them all the time got variety pack first and order more and just got a Caleb box with the wake and bliss love love love them even told my local dispensary about them and have been telling all my friends and family really good job guys love love love them all Show Less
These shots have changed my life. I have chronic pain & have struggled with severe insomnia my whole life. I was practically nocturnal & now my sleep schedule is normal. Thank you so much for giving me some much needed quality of life!
Curb helps me so much! I don't want to eat all day anymore. I have been able to stop eating and drinking sugary things. I have lots over 10+ pounds. I have mental health issues and just wanted to eat my feelings. Thank you so much for making this amazing shot!!!! Show Less
Man these things are awesome. My wife and I tried them together for the first time and we had one of the best nights we've ever had together. We watched movies and laughed all night. These are amazing.
I was not sure what to expect from these, or if I would even fell any difference, man was I wrong in the best possible way. Great experience, definitely recommend to everyone.
I have HORRIBLE insomnia, and since starting to use these I sleep much better. More rested, and not waking up at 2am.
There are moments, as I take care of my mother and elderly aunt, where I wake up, not feeling like I can do it. I’m not kidding, this caffeine shot with the Turpines do it for me! It kicks into my system and it makes me feel like I am capable of handling every day. Do yourself a favor and buy some! Show Less
I love this, box so I can share with hubby. With 2 of everything, it’s nice to really find out what works for you and your significant other or whatever. I love these products, they are amazing plus Tiff and Josh are amazing too. Thank you guys for helping me live my best life! Show Less
I tried all of these and really enjoyed the good vibes. Bliss and intensify added a nice boost to my usual. Calm, Mend and Wake all nice way to just feel good overall. Slept all night with Sleep. Love all of them. Rinse and repeat for this gal. Next order is already on the way.. Show Less
Audience Assessment Output
1. Customer Demographics:
- Age Range: The customers appear to be adults, ranging from young adults to middle-aged. Some are likely older, based on references to conditions like PTSD, insomnia, and post-surgery recovery.
- Gender: Both men and women use these products. Specific reviews mention husbands, wives, siblings, and friends.
- Location: Customers likely span across different regions, as there are references to the shipping process and customer service, and the product is available in all states.
- Lifestyle: Many customers seem to have active lifestyles or deal with specific challenges like managing pain, sleep issues, anxiety, and maintaining productivity. There is a diverse range of activities mentioned, from early morning drives to work, caretaking, and recovery from surgery.
2. Customer Psychographics:
- Values and Attitudes: Customers value natural, holistic health solutions and appear open to innovative wellness products. They appreciate transparency, authenticity, and a community-focused approach. Many value kindness and customer care, as they frequently mention great customer service.
- Emotional Needs: They seek emotional relief—whether it’s stress reduction, anxiety management, better sleep, or general mood enhancement. Reviews suggest a need for support in managing life’s difficulties, such as PTSD, chronic pain, insomnia, and recovery from medical conditions.
- Buying Motivations: Many are motivated by the promise of relief from pain, stress, and sleep problems. Others are drawn to the potential for mood enhancement or productivity boosts. A few reviews mention enjoyment of the “THC adventure” enhancement, suggesting some customers also partake in cannabis and appreciate products that complement their use.
- Health-Conscious: Customers show an inclination towards non-traditional, non-pharmaceutical remedies, valuing natural and botanical ingredients like terpenes.
3. Reasons for Purchasing from The Happiest Hour:
- Product Efficacy: Many customers emphasize how well the products work for them, from enhancing focus and energy to improving sleep and reducing anxiety or pain.
- Natural Ingredients: The use of botanically derived terpenes, without THC or CBD, appeals to customers who prefer natural alternatives without the psychoactive effects of cannabis.
- Customization and Variety: Customers love the variety and combinations available, as well as the ability to experiment and find what works best for their unique needs.
- Brand Personality: The playful, approachable, and authentic personality of the founder (often mentioned as Tiff) and the brand itself resonates strongly with customers. They feel a personal connection, not just with the products but with the people behind them. This connection is reinforced by positive interactions with customer service, which are frequently highlighted in reviews.
- Community and Word of Mouth: Many customers discover the products through recommendations, whether from friends, family, or influencers like Dante on TikTok. This suggests a strong word-of-mouth component and a loyal customer base eager to share their positive experiences with others.
- Holistic Support: The products are seen as providing holistic support across various aspects of life—whether that’s helping someone manage the demands of caretaking, recover from a medical condition, or simply enjoy a better quality of life.
4. How and Why Customers Use the Products:
- Daily Routines: Customers incorporate the products into their daily routines, often using them in the morning for energy (Wake), throughout the day for focus and calm (Intensify, Calm), and at night for better sleep (Sleep).
- Health and Wellness: Many customers use the products to manage specific health challenges, such as chronic pain, PTSD, anxiety, and insomnia. For example, Calm is often used during high-anxiety moments or PTSD episodes, and Mend is favored for recovery post-surgery.
- Enhancing Experiences: Some customers use the products to enhance their daily activities or experiences, such as driving to work, cleaning the house, or even enjoying time with loved ones. The reviews show a blend of practical and recreational uses, with some customers even experimenting with mocktails or combining shots for customized effects.
- Social Sharing: A noticeable trend is customers sharing the products with friends and family, reflecting their satisfaction and desire to spread the word. This social aspect is key to the brand’s community-building ethos.
5. Pain Points the Products Solve:
- Stress and Anxiety: Many customers use the products to manage stress and anxiety, seeking a natural, effective way to calm their minds and find peace.
- Sleep Issues: Insomnia and poor sleep quality are common pain points, with customers turning to Sleep and Calm shots for relief. The reviews highlight significant improvements in sleep patterns, which is life-changing for some.
- Chronic Pain and Recovery: Mend is especially popular among those recovering from injuries or surgeries and those dealing with chronic pain. The relief provided by the product is frequently mentioned as a major benefit.
- Focus and Productivity: Wake and Intensify are used by customers looking to boost their focus and productivity without the jitters or crashes associated with traditional energy drinks or caffeine.
- Mood Enhancement: Products like Bliss are used to elevate mood and create a more positive outlook, particularly during stressful or challenging times.
6. Benefits and Outcomes Customers Appreciate:
- Natural, Effective Relief: The most appreciated outcome is the natural relief provided by the products. Customers love that they can achieve the desired effects—whether it’s better sleep, reduced anxiety, or increased focus—without resorting to synthetic or pharmaceutical options.
- Versatility and Customization: Customers appreciate the ability to mix and match the products to suit their needs. The versatility of the shots allows them to experiment and find the perfect combination for their unique situations.
- Improved Quality of Life: For many, the products have made a tangible difference in their lives, whether by improving sleep, helping them manage pain, or simply making them feel happier and more relaxed. The emotional and physical well-being benefits are frequently highlighted.
- Excellent Customer Service: The brand’s commitment to customer satisfaction is a recurring theme in the reviews. Fast shipping, responsive communication, and a willingness to resolve issues quickly have built strong customer loyalty.
- Sense of Community: Customers feel a strong connection to the brand and its community. They appreciate the personal touches, like shout-outs from the founder, and the inclusive, positive vibe of the brand.
The Happiest Hour’s customers are diverse but united by their desire for natural, effective solutions to everyday challenges. They value the brand’s authentic, playful personality, and appreciate the genuine care shown through excellent customer service. These customers are looking for products that not only work but also fit seamlessly into their lifestyles, enhancing their overall well-being. By understanding these insights, future copy and marketing efforts can further strengthen this connection, continuing to speak directly to the needs, desires, and values of this loyal customer base.
Customer Objections / Hesitations / Strategies
Unfamiliarity with Terpenes:
"I’ve never heard of terpenes before. What are they, and how do they actually work?"
Terpenes might sound too scientific or unfamiliar, leaving the customer unsure about whether they will deliver the benefits they claim.
- introduce the brand and give a fun, simple overview of terpenes. I’ll explain them like Tiff would to a friend—using analogies, easy-to-understand language, and a friendly tone.
- Include a link to a blog or video that dives deeper into the science behind terpenes, showing how natural compounds can affect mood, energy, sleep, etc.
- Outcome: We turn “science-y” into simple and exciting.
Skepticism About Effectiveness:
"Do these shots really work? Will I actually feel a difference?"
The customer may doubt the effectiveness of a natural product. Without testimonials or clear proof, they might be hesitant to try something new.
- hare real, heartfelt customer testimonials (emphasizing results) and highlight the natural effectiveness of the shots.
- I’ll position these stories as relatable transformations from people just like them—e.g., “I wasn’t sure if Bliss would really work, but within minutes I felt so much lighter!”
- follow up with testimonials about long-term use and how continued use of the products improves results over time.
- Outcome: Building trust through social proof and relatable experiences.
No Urgency or Immediate Need:
"Do I really need this right now? Can’t I just use my current coffee/tea/wellness routine?"
The customer might not feel an urgent need to add these shots to their daily routine, especially if they already have other methods of managing energy, mood, or sleep.
- emphasize the versatility of the products. I’ll share examples of different situations where they’re helpful—whether they need a boost before work, better focus for a project, or a good night’s sleep.
- create urgency by reminding them of the benefits they’re missing out on—like improving their sleep quality tonight or feeling more energized tomorrow.
- Outcome: Showing the real-life, everyday value of the products.
Price Concern:
"Is it worth the cost? Why would I spend money on something I’m not sure about?"
The customer may be price-sensitive and wonder if the product is worth the investment, especially since it’s a consumable product with recurring costs.
- frame the price as an investment in their well-being. I’ll compare it to other daily habits like coffee or supplements, showing that the shots are a simple, affordable way to boost energy, mood, or relaxation naturally.
- add in a value-driven comparison, showing how each shot provides targeted benefits that other products or routines might not cover as effectively.
- Outcome: Position the product as high-quality, effective, and worth the investment.
Uncertainty About Choosing the Right Product:
"Which shot is right for me? What if I pick the wrong one?"
With multiple blends designed for different effects, the customer might feel overwhelmed and unsure about which shot would benefit them the most.
- introduce the Variety Pack and explain how it’s a great way to try a little bit of everything and find their new favorite blend.
- provide detailed guidance on which product is right for specific needs (e.g., "If you're feeling tired in the afternoon, try Wake!" or "For a relaxing night, Calm is your best friend").
- Outcome: Offer clear, simple guidance to remove overwhelm and make decision-making easier.
Concern About Taste:
"What if it tastes bad? Will I actually enjoy drinking this?"
Taste is a big factor for consumable products. If the customer isn’t sure they’ll like the flavor, they might hold off on making a purchase.
- highlight the natural, delicious flavors—e.g., “Bliss tastes like a citrusy burst of sunshine!” Tiff’s fun, quirky descriptions will bring the flavors to life and make them sound irresistible.
- Include customer reviews that specifically mention how much people enjoy the taste.
- Outcome: Reassure that the shots not only work but taste great, making them easy to enjoy.
Lack of Trust in Natural Products:
"Is this really safe? What if it interacts with other things I’m taking?"
The customer may be hesitant to try something new and natural, especially if they’re already taking supplements or medications. They might worry about potential side effects or interactions.
- ducate about the all-natural ingredients, emphasizing their safety and efficacy. I’ll also mention that the products don’t contain THC or CBD, which is a common concern for new customers.
- Link to a FAQ or blog post answering in-depth questions about how the products are made and the science behind them.
- Outcome: Build trust by educating and reassuring them about the safety and benefits of the ingredients.
Questions About Longevity and Results:
"How long do the effects last? Do I have to take these every day to see results?"
The customer may wonder about how long the effects last, how often they’ll need to take the shots, and if the benefits are long-lasting or temporary.
- explain how long the effects generally last, based on different shots. It will also educate on how to fit the shots into their daily routine, without making it seem overwhelming.
- Outcome: Set clear expectations for the product’s effectiveness and how often to use it.
Preference for Traditional Remedies:
"Why should I use these instead of my usual coffee/tea/sleep aid?"
The customer may be set in their ways with traditional remedies like caffeine, herbal teas, or other wellness products, so they might not feel a strong pull to try something new.
- compare the shots to traditional remedies, showing why they’re a better, cleaner option (e.g., no jitters like coffee, no grogginess like some sleep aids).
- Highlight the natural, non-habit-forming benefits of the shots, contrasting them with the potential downsides of conventional options.
- Outcome: Show the benefits of switching to The Happiest Hour’s natural, versatile solution.
Shipping and Delivery Concerns:
"How long will it take to get here? What if it doesn’t arrive on time?"
Delivery times and reliability may be a concern, especially if the customer wants to try the product soon or isn’t familiar with the company’s shipping process.
- include details about fast, reliable shipping and tracking. I’ll reassure them with quick delivery times (typically 3-5 days) and include any available tracking features.
- Outcome: Reassure the customer that the products will arrive quickly and hassle-free.
No Clear Social Proof or Community Support:
"Are other people using this? Does anyone else love this product?"
Without seeing enough social proof, reviews, or testimonials from real customers, the shopper may feel hesitant about the product’s effectiveness or popularity.
- I’ll share real testimonials, positive reviews, and user-generated content. By featuring stories of how these products have improved customers’ lives, we can build credibility.
- I’ll also invite new customers to follow social media for more community involvement, creating a sense of belonging.
- Outcome: Build trust through community stories and social proof.